
Seitenbacher - Black Cumin Oil 100ml/btl


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Black Seed Oil - the Pharaoh's secret (GERMAN BLACK CUMIN OIL)。

黑種草油 - 法老王的秘藥
學名:Nigella Sativa Linn,俗名:Black Cumin、Black Seed。

Seitenbacher Cold Pressed Black Cumin Oil 
✔ 原裝進口✭德國 頂級 第一道冷壓初榨 黑種草油✭
✔ 100%歐盟認證-埃及原生種(NigellaSativa)黑種草籽壓榨
✔ 三百年冷壓工藝
✔ 真空充氮裝瓶,以確保最高品質的黑種草油
✔ 百種以上活性成分-百里醌、Omega-3.-6.-9、植物固醇、類黃酮等
✔ 通過台灣SGS�473項農藥檢測
商品名稱:德國 黑種草油
成 分 : 100%初榨冷壓黑種草油
保存期限:18個月 (以消費者收受日算起,至少距有效日期前_日以上:180天。

The Pharaoh secret “Black Seed Oil” was used for healing or use as a food since 3000 years ago,it also known as eternal life in ancient Egypt.Black Cumin is actually a kind of flower,it's scientific name is Nigella Sativa Linn.It can be edible,squeezed oil and also used as a medicinal plant.
Black Cumin Oil not only provides essential fatty acids,but also provides 8 kinds of amino acids,vitamins,minerals,and phytosterol.Scientific research show that it also has 32 kinds of essential oil active compounds that can be eaten.It can be used to enhance human immunity,anti-oxidation,detoxification ,pain relief,and anti-inflamatory.It is so miracle.

Black Cumin Oil produce by a 300 years history oil mill.It is virgin,cold pressed,and unrefined top quality organic edible oil.

Top Quality Egyptian Seed
European Union certificate:the best quality,non-polluted Egyptian Black Cumin Seeds.Research has found that Egyptian Black Cumin Seed Oil to be the highest in benificial compounds when compared to oils from black seeds grow elsewhere.
Extra Virgin Cold Press Oil Preserve The Highest Active Ingredients
According to the regulations in Switzerland,the temperature during the cold press process cannot exceed 50°Cand the pressing time cannot be more than 5 seconds.Final temperature of the freshly presses oil should be kept between 25~30°C.Naturally,the whole pressing process is without any kind of solvent additives.
First Prize Medicinal And Edible Oil 
According to “National Institutes Of Health”from the United Statesin 2013,research indicated that Black Cumin Oil has multiple health functions.Moreover,unlike other medicines,black cumin oil does not have any toxicity  or side effects.
Awarded By Six International Institutions
-European Union
-National Organic Program from United States
-Bio Suisse from Switzerland
-Demeter International
ABCERT from Germany
Black Cumin has more than 200 university studies conducted.Since 1959,there have been over 82 peer reviewed studies.At international  universities and articles published in various journals remarkable result and supporting of it's traditional use.
Serving Suggestion
Consume once or twice a day
everytime 5~10ml
Direct consumption(with warm water),spread on bread or mixture with honeyand lemon juice is recommended.The Black Cumin Oil can also be added into yogurt ,salad or cereals.
BONUS: every bottle have 1 sticker,collect 6 sticker to get free 1 bottle of  Black Cumin Oil ( 100ml  )worth RM188.
It is an ancient, amazing, miracle edible herb.
The seeds of the annual flowering plant, Nigella Sativa Linn, have been prized for their healing properties since time immemorial.
The Black Seed is believed to be native to the Mediterranean region. It has spread over the years throughout northern Africa, eastern Asia, and southern Europe.
The plant is cultivated worldwide for medicinal and culinary uses. Research has found Egyptian black seed oil to be highest in beneficial compounds when compared to oils from black seeds grown elsewhere.

Black cumin seed oil has a rich history of being valued in many cultures for thousands of years. Today, it's use is even more varied.

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